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Walking with the Convicts
Another Reality
The History of Mankind

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Walking with the Convicts

I was walking with a convoy of convicts. I don't know where they were taking us. We were all naked, cause we have been taken our clothes away. There was a general feeling of humiliation and hopelessness in the crowd. We all felt so frightened and vulnerable. As if we knew we were taken to a sort of Nazi camp to be executed. We walked in a long row, following one another. Everyone of us felt completely and utterly alone and deserted. Then all of a sudden, somebody - a man - skipped the row and came near me. I couldn't see him but I sensed he was walking along with me on that path. The next thing I sensed was that he took my hand. There was such a flow of energy coming from him. It made me feel like I was no longer alone, there was another soul sharing my despair and walking beside me. I didn't find out how the journey ended or where they took us, because soon after that I woke up. The last thing I remember was that man holding my hand.

Submitted by Silentia

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Another Reality

I was living in another reality. I was somebody else and it was normal to be somebody else. Everything was different, but I didn't think it was different because that was the only reality I knew - the reality of the dream. I moved in other places, among other people, doing other things, and it all felt right. After waking up I couldn't remember anything about who I was or what I was doing, only the strong sensation of being deeply involved in a reality I was taking for granted.

Submitted by Silentia

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The History of Mankind

I was shown the whole history of humanity from the very beginning until the end. I was taken through the spirit of each historical age and revealed all the mysteries of time. I can't remember many details, but the general feeling, which was very profound. The only things I actually remember from the dream are a pharaon taking a bath and the purple curtain being torn at the end.

Submitted by Silentia